FRX is the world’s first decentralized hedge fund token, combining a hedge fund’s diverse alpha generation capabilities with the liberties afforded by a dynamic DeFi ecosytem.

FRX is an organization and it is predominantly a multifaceted investment token with a blend of various alpha-forces of mutual funds with the opportunity conceded by a denied ecosystem. Ferox Counselors is a flexible investment established in late 2013 that works in subordinates exchanged on a trade. This includes the interaction whereby clients or financial backers put their tokens into work to produce returns. Fostering their exchanging system, Ferox Counsels made advances in different parts of resource the executives, for example, algorithmic scalping, occasion driven exchanging, unpredictability exchange, and market-production choices, and has developed into cryptocurrency exchanging since 2017.

company Outline

The exchanging organization has a yearly net capital return of 30% with an increment in the cost of free bitcoins and resources for outsider business organizations putting capital for the resulting benefit. It makes it conceivable to possess shares during the time spent rearranging the elements of powers in a venture reserve zeroed in on amplifying benefit for a given danger or limiting dangers for given productivity without the executives’ expenses while keeping up the need to forestall data spillage. To purchase tokens of the FRX exchanging stage, you need to indicate a breaking point, to put capital fully intent on making a benefit of up to 10,000 TRX, you need to increase them by three. The expense of the TRX token is $0.02, which contrasts well and different organizations that spot their capital to make a benefit. The greatest number of tokens is 700,000,000, of which 400 will be ready to move.

The goals and objectives of the FRX token undertaking

● To keep a yearly profit from the value net of everything of at least 30% with additional potential gain potential.

● To empower their outside financial backers to augment their benefits by offering them better bring profiles back.

● To permit financial backers to straightforwardly claim portions of a decentralized mutual fund without paying any type of administrative expenses, which is generally excellent information to financial backers.

● Security is consistently significant in any speculation. This venture means to give and keep up the protections of the clients and financial backers to guarantee their security.


FRX іѕ а reasonable utility token thаt іѕ constructed оn thе TRON blockchain, аnd thаt mаkеѕ іt а TRC-20 viable token. Clients саn effectively stake FRX аnd TRX sets аnd thеу wіll bе remunerated fоr that.

Holders оf FRX wіll bе acquiring benefits еvеrу month, thіѕ іѕ bесаuѕе thе benefits produced frоm wagering exercises wіll bе added tо them. Thеrеbу making іt а remunerating speculative stock investments token.


contract : TKTENn9v56yVKHu4obmdQGpe8wFVimczxq :

symbol FRX

Decimals: 8

total Supply : 700,000,000.00000000FRX


Useful Links

Whitepaper: http://ferox.ml/wp/FRX%20White%20Paper%20V1.5.pdf?i=1

Medium: https://frx.medium.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/feroxadvisors

Telegram: https://t.me/FRXalpha


Forum Username: aldo
Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2498921
Telegram Username: @ aldolll
TRX Wallet Address:  TV3ij226FTWaYhYqGUbCjCAfK4Lrnsch5H


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